Dear ServCollabers,
ServCollab is excited to announce its 6th online live event that will take place on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 9:00 (EDT), 14:00 (BST), and 16:00 (EEST) via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 7114 1832
Passcode: 971675

Updated: Jul 20, 2022
Dear ServCollabers,
ServCollab is excited to announce its 6th online live event that will take place on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 9:00 (EDT), 14:00 (BST), and 16:00 (EEST) via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 7114 1832
Passcode: 971675
ServCollab is excited to announce its 5th online live event that will take place on
April 8, 2022at 9:00 (EDT), 14:00 (BST), 16:00 (EEST) via Zoom.
Ray Fisk, the Founder of ServCollab will host Jim Spohrer, Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Directors of ISSIP, in a discussion about conducting service research and using technology for elevating human experiences and for a better world! The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions before the event through the form ( and interact, comment, and ask questions during the event.
ServCollab is happy to collaborate with ISSIP on this ServCollabing Event!
JOIN US via ZOOM Topic: ServCollabing with Jim Spohrer
Time: Apr 8, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 4443 3301
Passcode: 117442
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The event will be broadcasted on ServCollab’s YouTube channel
Please Mark your Calendar because You Cannot Miss this Special Event!
Jim Spohrer is a student of service science and open-source, trusted AI. He is a retired IBM executive, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP). At IBM, he served as Director for Open Source AI/Data, Global University Programs, IBM Almaden Service Research, and CTO IBM Venture Capital Relations Group. At Apple, he achieved Distinguished Engineer Scientist Technologist (DEST) for authoring and learning platforms. After MIT (BS/Physics), he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon), then Yale (PhD/Computer Science AI). With over ninety publications and nine patents, awards include AMA ServSIG Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Discipline, Evert Gummesson Service Research, Vargo-Lusch Service-Dominant Logic, Daniel Berg Service Systems, and PICMET Fellow for advancing service science. In 2021, Jim was appointed a UIDP Senior Fellow (University-Industry Demonstration Partnership).
In 2011 during IBM’s Centennial Celebration, Jim Spohrer was recognized as an IBM Innovation Champion for his contributions to service science. Service science is one of the 100 innovations celebrated during IBM’s Centennial as an IBM Icon of Progress:
You can find out more about him here:
Updated: Oct 10, 2021
ServCollab Ideation Workshop on REFUGEE WELLBEING
PART I: Academic Perspective
ServCollab is excited to announce the launch of the Ideation Workshop on Refugee Wellbeing to bring together like-minded participants to discuss and identify potential projects to collaborate on issues related to refugee wellbeing.
Part 1 of this workshop will take place on Friday, October 15, 2021 at 9:00 (EDT), 14:00 (BST), 16:00 (EEST) via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 1771 5338
Passcode: 765136
Part 1 of this workshop will focus on Academic Perspective where three participants will share their experiences with and perspectives about doing refugee-related research.
Participants are recommended to read the following articles before the workshop to familiarize themselves with some of the recent refugee related research and have more concrete ideas about potential research topics.
Recommended readings:
1. Boenigk, Silke, Raymond Fisk, Sertan Kabadayi, Linda Alkire, Lilliemay Cheung, Canan Corus, Jörg Finsterwalder, Aaron A. Kreimer, Nadina Luca, Mansour Omeira, Pallab Paul, Marcos F. Santos and Nina Smidt (2021), "Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (2), 165-183.
2. Boenigk, Silke, Becker, Annika; Kreimer, Aaron A; Alkire, Linda; Fisk, Raymond and Sertan Kabadayi (2021), “Transformative Service Initiatives: Enabling Access and Overcoming Barriers for People Experiencing Vulnerability”, Journal of Service Research.
3. Shultz, Clifford J., Andres Barrios, Alexander V. Krasnikov, Ingrid Becker, Aronte M. Bennett, Renu Emile, et al. (2020), “The Global Refugee Crisis: Pathway for a More Humanitarian Solution,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (1), 128–43.
4. Fehsenfeld, Michael and Klaus Levinsen (2019), “Taking Care of the Refugees: Exploring Advocacy and Cross-Sector Collaboration in Service Provision for Refugees,” Voluntas, Vol. 30, pp. 422-435.
5. Benezer, Gadi and Roger Zetter (2014), “Searching for Directions: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Researching Refugee Journeys,” Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 297-318.
Please register for this event using this link.
We are looking forward to seeing you all on October 15!