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ServCollab Advisory Board

RAY FISK, Founder and President

Ray Fisk is the Founder and President of ServCollab and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Marketing in the McCoy College of Business at Texas State University. Dr. Fisk is a pioneering founder of the service research field. He founded the AMA Services Special Interest Group (SERVSIG) in 1993 and has served SERVSIG in many leadership roles. The American Marketing Association made him the Inaugural Recipient of the SIG Leadership Award in 2016. He received the Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award from SERVSIG in 2005. In 2012, he received the Grönroos Service Research Award from the Hanken School of Economics, Finland. He was designated an ISSIP Fellow by the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) in 2023.

Advisory Board
Linda Alkire.png

Linda Alkire is Associate Professor of Marketing at Texas State University. She is also the Brandon Dee Roberts Excellence Endowed Professor. Dr. Alkire’s research focuses on Transformative Service Research. Specifically, Dr. Alkire is interested in transdisciplinary research contributing to the well-being of the society and offering transformative insights to service providers. Dr. Alkire has published more than 25 articles in peer reviewed academic journals and has been awarded numerous prestigious awards for her research. Dr. Alkire is the Editorial Director of the Journal of Service Management, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Services Marketing and the Service Industries Journal.


Laurie Anderson is an emerita professor at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She just completed Fulbright Scholar research in Finland on the wellbeing of those later in life and technology. Her expertise is in cultures, healthcare, service, and transformative consumer research. In particular, she works to develop the area of Transformative Service Research. She is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Service Research.


Faculty Emeritus, Chaired Professor of Management and former Chief Academic Officer, Thunderbird School of Global Management; and Distinguished Faculty Network Member at the Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University. His service research has focused on organizational behavior and employee management.


Before taking up a Chair in Marketing and Service Management at Loughborough University, Professor Gruber worked as a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Manchester Business School. He received his PhD and MBA from the University of Birmingham. Professor Gruber co-founded the Centre for Service Management (CSM) in the School of Business and Economics in 2013 and is currently the Director of the Centre.


Professor of Marketing, the PetSmart Chair in Services Leadership, and Chair of the Department of Marketing at the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on issues related to services marketing and service science, especially Transformative Service Research.


Associate Professor at the University of Porto, where she is the Director of the Master in Service Engineering and Management. Her research focuses on Service Design and Customer Experience, particularly the design of Technology Enabled Services, Value Networks and Service Ecosystems.

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