Moulton-Tetlock, Edythe, Town, Sophia, Rafieian, Hoori, Corus, Canan, & Fisk, Raymond P. (2024)
Journal of Service Management

Our purpose is to offer the service research field a framework for cultivating wiser service systems via wise communication–which we define as “interactional activity that reflects and reifies the integrative, practical, and relational nature of organizations.”
We draw on the Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO) theory to integrate insights and findings from four primary research fields – service, communication, psychology, and organizational science – to develop a framework for cultivating wiser service systems through wise communication.
Our framework identifies three major components of wise communication: integrative, practical, and relational. These components require that wise communication be “holistic,” “dynamic,” and “constitutive” (the integrative component); “active,” “contextual,” and “pragmatic” (the practical component); and “compassionate,” “open-minded,” and “humble” (the relational component). We use illustrative examples from healthcare to showcase how these nine characteristics enable wise communication practices that facilitate wiser service systems.
Practical implications
Our framework provides helpful ways to organize and inspire insights to develop wise systems. This framework identifies both the theoretical components of wise communication and specific communicative actions that system members can implement to shape wiser service systems.
Social implications
Wiser service systems are necessary to tackle humanity’s complex social, economic, and environmental challenges.
We propose a novel framework for cultivating wiser systems centered around wise communication. This framework contributes new insights to theory and practice. The application of CCO theory to service systems is unique. Our paper is also an early example of adding normative context to the CCO literature. Last, while wisdom literature primarily focuses on aspects of individual wisdom, we broaden the wisdom literature to service systems.